Do a lot with little

Giving disadvantaged children a chance

Giving disadvantaged children a chance to improve their lives and take control of them is something we seek to support. As we are regionally rooted and also active internationally, we support the work of various organisations and projects.

The local ProKids Foundation in Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany, has been supporting children from socially disadvantaged families in the city since 2008. With its first commitment, the foundation helped many children to have a warm school meal.
Today, ProKids is in charge of many other projects:

  • Mentors for the apprenticeship search
  • Flat-sharing community for young mothers incl. educational accompaniment
  • ProKids meeting place for young families for informal exchange and with low-threshold counselling and help in emergency situations
  • Baby hatch
  • Christmas wish campaign

GANDHICARE is the result of a cross-border cooperation between the Gandhi-Club Germany e.V. (founded in 2006) and the Foundation Gandhi Hilfswerk Schweiz (founded in 2008). The project supports orphans, half-orphans and outcast children in India, giving them access to schooling and vocational training and offers them a real chance to escape child labour. In addition to setting up training centres and camps close to schools, GANDHICARE arranges sponsorships that ensure regular school attendance and cover the cost of living even without child labour. com-a-tec takes over the sponsorship for the four half-orphans Rani, Ravi, Rudramani and Lakshmi.

"Aktion Mensch" improves the living conditions of people with disabilities, children and young people through various projects. With approx. 30 lottery ticket purchases per year, we have been a regular customer of Aktion Mensch for years. Every month, Aktion Mensch supports up to 1,000 social projects that are dedicated to provide equal opportunities and contribute to a more diverse and cooperative society.

We also don't want to forget the charity run "Donaulauf 2019", which provided 22,150 Euro for the children's aid campaign "Herzenssache" last summer. We also supported a "crazy" project called Lauftreff Pfohren with a shirt sponsoring. The money raised was given to disadvantaged children.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to make the difference – between child labour and schooling, between a growling stomach and a snack. We are happy to be able to contribute our small part to make a difference.